In late October 2020, my good friend Tomer Strolight suggested I create a custom-designed version of the foundational Bitcoin whitepaper, written in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto — who clearly is as brilliant as he is mysterious.
And so I did.
However, I have not changed anything of the text or graphics, but have only sought to make it reader-friendly to human eyes and minds — which Nakamoto’s original PDF document is not.
Since most people nowadays will read this PDF on their computer, the requirements of screen reading have been given first priority in my design. But you may also print it out, in color or black-and-white.
Here are three sample pages (click any image to download the whole 24-page PDF):

I have also designed a one-page poster version of this Whitepaper, which you may download and print in any size you like (though I used the 24”×30” size as my design surface).
Here it is, in all its denseness (click image to download PDF):

My design of these documents is not copyrighted — I have released them to the public domain. I encourage you to freely distribute and print them.
If you find any errors, please let me know and I will soon fix them. If you appreciate my design work, I will gratefully accept your contribution to this address (copy-paste it — or scan the QR Code below):
Thank you!
Klaus Nordby
Kalista, 2020.10.31