Klaus Nordby's militantly dull homepage
US vacation trip, April 22 — May 2, 2005
Friday, April 28: John of Ruggles' Mine
There is a long story surrounding my off-road encounter with this highly unusual fellow — which I will write up one of these days. Suffice to say that John (I never learned his last name) has a colorful past: he got shot three times in Vietnam in '65-66, and that he joined the Army in 1960 not because he was drafted or volunteered — but because a judge strongly "suggested" he join the Army, or else go to jail. Why? He had pulled many stickup jobs — -to quote John: "There's a lot of money in that!" At some point I had some moments of worrying, being all alone with him out in the wilderness, but it all worked out well, and made for my most memorable personal encounter with the natives.